Brown Recluse Spider
The brown recluse spider is a poisonous spider that is light brown in color. It is about 1/2 inch in length, has a violin-shaped marking on the thorax (mid-section) and is sometimes called a fiddleback spider due to the unique markings. While most spiders have 8 eyes, the brown recluse has 6 (3 pairs). The brown recluse spider received its name because of its color and reclusive behavior. These spiders make an irregular and sticky web that is used for shelter rather than for trapping insects.
Black Widow Spider
The female black widow spider (Latrodectus spp.) is a poisonous spider that has a somewhat round, shiny black abdomen with red markings that resemble an hourglass on the underside. The size of the body is approximately 1/2 inch wide and 1 1/2 to 1 3/8 inches long.
House Spider
The house spider is brown in color and its body is about 3/8-inch long. Its abdomen is spherically shaped, and is white to brown in color with several dark markings. Males are smaller than females, and their legs are orange in color. The female’s legs are yellow.
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