Below are the common types of insects found in residential, commercial and industrial areas. Contact us for all of your insects that we treat! Toronto exterminator pest control services Durham
(Three common types) The German cockroach is 5/8 inches in length and is brown in color. There are two...
Bedbugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. They are easily...
Worm-like millipedes and centipedes both have many body sections and many legs. However, the centipede has...
Sowbugs and pillbugs are less than 2 cm long and are usually dark to slate gray. They are armadillo-like and...
Silverfish and firebrats are harmless to humans, but are considered pests because of their appearance.
Despite their scary appearance and reputation, earwigs are not directly harmful to humans.
(Two common types) Clothes moths larva (caterpillar) stage damages items of animal origin, such as wool, fur...
Ants are tiny insects and may be black, brown, red, or yellow. Adult ants range in size from as small as 1 millimetre...
(Two types) Black carpet beetle larvae are 1/4 inch long, tapered in shape and have a golden sheen over the...
(Three types) The adult cluster fly looks like a very large house fly. The difference is that at rest, the fly overlaps its...
(Many types) The brown recluse spider is a poisonous spider that is light brown in color. It is about 1/2 inch in length...
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